The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

Part 5 - Slowing

Weekly Resources

Leader Notes

Session 5: Slowing


Every session has a point—what each participant should walk away from the discussion knowing, feeling, and doing.

  • Main Idea: Physically slowing down trains our souls to resist hurry and increases our capacity to be present with God and others.

  • Head Change: To know that our bodies are essential to who we are and physical discipline can help us connect more deeply to Jesus.

  • Heart Change: To feel peace in waiting while learning how to slow down.

  • Life Change: To incorporate focal practices that help you be present with God and those around you.

This study is a companion to the book The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry. However, for this study, we will not be reading the book together. It would be an excellent supplement for anyone wishing to do so.

Weekly Timeline

5 Days Ahead of Time

  • Email the group welcoming them and providing links to that week's content.

1 Day Ahead of Time

  • Send a reminder message including the time and location of the group

During the Group

Additional Resources